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Thursday, August 23, 2012



[ab-suh-loot-lee, ab-suh-loot-] Show IPA adverb
1. without exception; completely; wholly; entirely: You are absolutely right.
2.  positively; certainly.
In the mornings when I drive to work I sometimes get tired of listening to radio and the same songs being played on rotation, so I switch my radio over to NPR (National Public Radio).  They do interviews with people and ask many questions...When someone is completely sure of something they say absolutely.  Even on KROQ 106.7's morning show Kevin & Bean I hear the word absolutely spoken all the time.  In my work off I can't count the number of times people have said absolutely, so much so that in my head I can remember the exact tone of voice they had when they said it and where they put the emphasis.

I don't know what it is about this word, but it has really started to get on my nerves.  To me, the word feels so antagonistic.  The meaning of the word absolutely (definition above) is great, it's a great word, but what ever happened, of course, yes, that's it, I agree.  When saying absolutely it feels like a way to be so finite in one word.  

The word has officially made it on to my "Lease Favorite Words" list:  Because of the consistency people use it, the context in which they use and how they use it when talking to people.

Does anyone out there agree?

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